pam gave me my birthday present today when we went to the park, to the transit museum, and to the park again. :) although, she tricked me into thinking that she got me a french cuff shirt so i can wear my TNX cuff links. but no, she got me a camera. A CAMERA! oh man, i'm so blessed to have her. :D
playing around with some pictures with my new toy.
on that note, crazy softball games today. we got soaked in the rain. i almost got a concussion. we won one and lost one. but it was all awesome. man, i could've been a star. it really makes me want to play professional baseball now. sighh. that's what i get for a late growth spurt. it's ok. there would've probably been a lot of things different with my life right now if i pursued sports. and as i think about what would be different, i realize that i wouldn't want anything in my life right now to be different. i wouldn't trade anything for pro ball. and you know that includes all of you people who are reading this right now. :D
haha we both got new canon cameras!
i found mine on my desk when i got home last week.
btw, that bird lOoks angry & looks like it's about to attack you. :P
ooh nice pictures! i'm jealous!!
you guys played softball and didnt call me?!?!!?!?!?!?
i think i'm getting that camera too... not sure. you are lucky indeed =P
People comment on your blog so quickly... what the heck haha
what camera did you use to take pictures of your new camera?
i like the black and white and blue. awesome picture.
pams pretty awesome too. haha =)
i wish i had a gf that would buy me a camera even though i already have one..;x
hey how'd you take all those pictures josh, i didn't know you had a camera...
what a friggin' BALLA! Pam's rich...
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